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Today is the era where not even your printer needs a cable attached in order for it to function. Everything happens with a touch of a button on your smart watch or smart phone. The world is getting smarter every day, with rapid transitions into all things virtual.
Studies from the Harvard business school, Forbes and the world bank reveal that almost a quarter of traditional jobs will be taken over by robots and, automated systems with in the coming decade.
One of the practices, that will inevitably become obsolete will be traditional bookkeeping. This article talks a little about why and how bookkeeping is revolutionizing and adapting to the ever growing technological advancements of the digital era.

What is cloud based bookkeeping?

The cloud based bookkeeping is accounting just more advanced, in a manner where your entire information is accessible on every platform that you use today. Instead of having a dedicated computer system or an on paper system that is solely and devotedly being used for the firms accounting processes. With a cloud based platform you can manage, review and oversee all your financial data anywhere in the world, any time you want to.
In contrast to traditional bookkeeping, the cloud system works on your smartphone just as smoothly and securely as your trusted traditional mediums. Simply transformed into to a much more reformed and seamlessly interactive system. Cloud based QuickBooksempowers you to make important financial decisions on the go. You no longer need to remember where your business stands, what your cash flows look like, nor do you need to get puzzled between a wreck of sheets and numbers. A simple tap and all that information is within your grasp.

Why Cloud based Accounting Professionals?

With a cloud based bookkeeping you no longer rely on just a single individual that is your, accounting professional to have sufficient integrity, to responsibly go manage your accounts and books as well as successfully illustrate and offer consultations for future financial decisions vital for your business’s growth and sustainability. With cloud accounting you get an entire firm of accountants looking and caring after your growth. Going through all the processes that any niche service goes through to ensure maximum customer satisfaction and optimal results.
You get ten folds out of what you pay for, because now you’re not just hanging in the dry and depending on a single professional for your bookkeeping information to be passed on to you accurately. You get an entire organization backing you up, that goes through rigorous quality control and multiple levels of analysts, before it is handed over to you, in a timely manner.
Read Complete Article 

Local CPA VS Cloud Bookkeeping: Reasons To Choose Cloud Bookkeeping Over Traditional Accounting


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