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If you wish to stay competitive in today’s ecommerce market, you need to have a ready solution for all of your customer’s query. It becomes rather difficult to achieve, if your website fails to integrate a robust accounting system using an ERP solution.
While some believe that integration of an accounting solution can be a bothersome and tiring ask, hiring an accountant is a more feasible solution. Such an approach, however, can become heavily flawed. It’s because there is an increased chance of human error and you can ultimately result drowning assigned orders down the sink hole, if your accountant is not quick enough.
This can be attributed as one of the many challenges that an online ecommerce merchant face while observing accounting integration. Let’s discuss a few other challenges ecommerce accounting challenges that once can face without an online accounting integration:

Resource Allocation

Initially when you launch an ecommerce store, the sales frequency is low and most order processing queries are easily handled by a single person, usually the business owner himself. However, as the store expands, it inquires resource expansion and hence, as a business owner, you may have to invest more to keep things propelled into motion.
Now you can’t expect your marketing manager or a sales representative to record data orders accordingly. Here’s why your ecommerce store needs an automated ecommerce accounting integration so your orders can be processed accordingly.

Controlling Expenditures

Individual processing of orders inquires maintenance of database, hiring extra employees for record keeping, track shipping information, hire quality assurance individuals and much more. These are not a single time investment, but recurring ones and if your ecommerce store runs tight on sales and production, you may end up paying them from other budgets. Don’t forget human error is unavoidable and you may have to end up facing issues such paying up for multiple shipments, replacing damaged goods, etc.
If you don’t want to end up in such a hassle and create a cost-effective solution to controlling expenditures, then an accounting service for ecommerce will work best for you.
Read Complete Article 

Top 5 Challenges Ecommerce Business Face Without Accounting Integration


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